
Radical Saints

A devotional calendar of saints, festivals and memorials for Radicals



July 22nd – Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene

22nd July

Mary Magdalene was the first person to meet the Resurrected Christ and so has the honourable title of Apostle to the Apostles. Despite being marginalised and slandered by the Church throughout the years she remains one of the most important people of all time and a key person for the Christian faith.

Continue reading “July 22nd – Mary Magdalene”

July 20th – St Wilgefortis


20th July

Saint Wilgefortis was crucified for miraculously growing a beard after a period of prayer and was a popular religious figure across Northern Europe during the Middle Ages. Continue reading “July 20th – St Wilgefortis”

July 19th – Seneca Falls Convention

Seneca Falls Convention

19th – 20th July 1848


The Seneca Falls Convention was the first convention on the rights of women in America. The convention discussed the civil, social and religious condition of women and provided a space for women to speak in public during a time when society frowned on such activities. Continue reading “July 19th – Seneca Falls Convention”

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