Sarah Moore Grimké & Angelina Emily Grimké Weld 

26nd November 1792 – 23rd December 1873 & 20th February 1805 – 26t October 1879

“This idea of woman’s being “the last gift of God to man,” however pretty it may sound to the ears of those who love to discourse upon. ” The poetry of romantic gallantry, and the generous promptings of chivalry,” has nevertheless been the means of sinking her from an end into a mere means – of turning her into an appendage to man, instead of recognizing her as a part of man – of destroying her individuality, and rights, and responsibilities, and merging her moral being in that of man. Instead of Jehovah being her king, her lawgiver, her judge, she has been taken out of the exalted scale of existence in which He placed her, and subjected to the despotic control of man”

Letter XII Human Rights Not Founded on Sex, Angelina Emily Grimké

The Grimké sisters were the first great female abolitionist and feminist authors in the United States.

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