
Radical Saints

A devotional calendar of saints, festivals and memorials for Radicals


Our Lady

February 20th – Marcella Althaus-Reid

Marcella Althaus-Reid

11th May 1952 – 20th February 2009

“All theology is sexual theology. Indecent Theology is sexier than most. What can sexual stories from fetishism and sadomasochism tell us about our relationship with God, Jesus and Mary? Isn’t it time the Christian heterosexuals came out of their closets too?”

Indecent Theology, Marcella Althaus-Reid


Marcella Althaus-Reid was an Argentinean Theologian specialising in Liberation, Queer and Feminist theology. She is most known for coining the term ‘Indecent theology’, which is a theology of sexuality that crosses boundaries by taking experiences from those considered “indecent” by patriarchal, heterosexual society and uses the experiences found in taboo sexual practices such as Fetishism and S&M as starting points for theological discourse.  She worked as Professor of Theology at the University of Edinburgh and at the time of her appointment was the only woman professor of theology in the country. Continue reading “February 20th – Marcella Althaus-Reid”

December 12th – La Virgen de Guadalupe

La Virgen de Guadalupe

12th December

According to Catholic legend, in 1531 the Virgin Mary appeared to a poor indigenous man named Juan Diego and asked him to build a church at that place in Mexico City. When Juan informed the local Bishop he took with him tulips that had miraculously grown on the spot where the church was to be built. When he placed the flowers down they left an imprint of the Virgin on his apron which is still at the shrine to this day.

Continue reading “December 12th – La Virgen de Guadalupe”

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